Here's some pictures. There's a lot so I hope you have high speed.
Nighttime building
Cool ceiling in Leipzig University Library
Snail on handcrafted gate handle
Typical street
Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology
(where the conference was)
Crazy mirror elevator in my hotel
(you can kinda see me)
Bach's grave (I think.)
Gold plated church thing
Cathedral where Bach played a bunch of concerts
Hauptbanhof - Central train station
Picture out of the vandalized train window of the area outside Leipzig (its very flat)
Arial view of Leipzig
So I went to Germany for 3 days, gave a talk (which went well) and then came home to Montreal in the snow and slush. That part was depressing. I wish I spoke more German, I felt an idiot, especially since people assumed from my last name that I would speak German. If I see you in person I might tell you some anecdotes.