January 21, 2008

The dangers of mercury

I made quesadillas for dinner tonight. I wish I had guacamole, but avacados take forever to ripen and I'm allergic to the pre-prepared stuff for some reason.

I disclaimer about the previous post. I like the new series of Doctor Who, mainly because Mich forced me to watch episodes with her in 4th year. It take a lot for me to get into a show, so I've just been keeping up with what I've been properly introduced to. The problem is, people equate my like of Doctor Who with a general science fiction knowledge. A lady on the train (it was a 7 hour ride, which was supposed to be 4 hours, so we had to amuse ourselves) was like, oh, if you like Doctor Who you must be a huge Star Trek fan as well. And I resent that. I do not like Star Trek. I have not seen most of the Star Wars movies in full. I don't watch the Space channel, or dress up to see Lord of the Rings, of read a wide range of comics, or do do anything else that would qualify me as a sci fi geek. So please don't assume, its insulting. And if you happen to like all those things, you must have reconciled yourself to being a geek long ago.

Another thing, I'm a nerd, not a geek. Geeks are people who have a passion or devotion for a specific thing. So you can be a sci fi or comic geek, or a geek for a certain band or genre of music, or for cult films or something like that. I am a nerd, defined by the majority of my time spent of academic endeavours, and reading jargon littered articles. It is debatable whether I'm a dork or not, I'm guessing you all think that I am. But I would like to point out that I only wear pants that are actually long enough for me, so the flood pants category checks off in the "not-a-dork" column.

Just to get that clear.

1 comment:

Dinah said...

My feet are soaked, but my cuffs are bone dry!
Everything's comin' up Milhouse!