December 06, 2006

Today is a good day

This week has been a pretty feel good week. Maybe it’s the big fluffy snow that finally decided to show up, maybe it’s the little twinkling Christmas lights peeking out into the street, maybe it’s the peanut butter Kit-Kat bars I keep eating, or the Disney princess advent calendar I have… maybe. Or maybe it’s the fact that I don’t have any exams this year (other than a take home which doesn’t count since it’s not even during the exam period). Why is this year unlike any other year? Because I’m not super stressed out, studying for my nazi math class until 3 am in Burwash or writing my final Nishnaabemwin paper into the wee hours of the morning on the second floor of the most homely Robarts.

My mind and body are discussing the phenomena that is this December, unlike any other December since like Jr. High school. Maybe the week has been so good because I’ve been writing my person-case constraint/syntax paper and I’m loving it. I usually love my linguistics papers, which really helps because then I don’t hold back form throwing myself at it. Maybe it’s because I have syntax take home exam which doesn’t phase me at all even though I’m fairly sure “What did John think seemed to have really been said yesterday?” is ungrammatical.

Maybe it’s because I asked a professor to be my supervisor today and it went really well. I might even get to go on a Linguistics road trip! Hey-ya! Everything’s coming up Milhouse! (There won’t BE a home later.) I feel really good right now. I even got the beginnings of my PhD applications done this week, asking for reference letters and everything. This isn’t really that much of an accomplishment since I should have started all this in September but at least I didn’t leave it so long that my applications couldn’t get in by the due date.

Also I get to see beautiful nephew baby baby baby on Monday when I fly out to Nova Scotia. Pretty frickin exciting.

Some times I wonder if maybe I am just the teensy eensy tiniest little bit manic-depressive, not to any clinical or affecting degree. No, the reason I say this is because I regularly go through phases of proliferance and indolence (I wish Anna read my blog, she’s the only one who would get that). I have like 5 days of extreme focus where everything gets done really fast, efficiently and well and then I have an indeterminate amount of time where I can’t focus on anything at all. I’ve learned sometimes to not force myself to work during the wave crests of indolence because it’s a fruitless endeavour, I instead wait for the proliferant time to return and then everything is alright.

I think I tell you way too much about myself.
Did I mention that I can’t sit still?


a Mamacita said...

"beautiful nephew baby baby baby" is very much looking forward to meeting his Auntie B!

Dinah said...

I spy a shoutout to me!

I think of you whenever S. Colbert talks about the OHL. can never talk to much about yourself. Never!

And: I am jealous of your advent calendar.

Anonymous said...

you sound alot like your dad!! ha, ha.

sue said...

it doesn't surprise me that you can't sit still. ;)

Anonymous said...

The personal things you share are fun! (on a side note there was just a huge crash and a yell from the kitchen below my room...yikes. I thought the dishes, few that we have, looked precarious) anyway i agree with dinah that you can't share too much! and i'm very jealous of your snow, though it is nice to picture you all seasonal and relaxed and with your advent calender and cat and linguistics papers : )