Big news! New Coldplay album is in the works! I’m excited, they seem to be hyping it too much too early, though, I’d like to decide for myself whether it contains “the best Coldplay song yet”. I’ve got a few contenders in mind.
I get to teach a first year Phonology class on Monday b/c the prof is having surgery on his wrist. Skating on the canal is serious business, those small children are everywhere just waiting to catch you off guard and trip you up. I’m terrified about the class, but I’m getting the “It’s a good experience”/ “It will look good on your CV” type comments. I’m going to do it, but I’m sure I will be bright red and shaking for at least part of it.
I’m starting to freak out about my passport. I sent it in January and they haven’t even charged the fee to my credit card yet. I wasn’t worried about it before until recently when I got accepted to present at a conference (also terrifying) in
Thanks to
I made quesadillas yesterday, really easy, really awesome. There’s something irresistible about fried onions, I’m not sure what it is. I’ve also taken to calling them “quesa-dill-as”, you know, saying the [l] instead of the palatal glide. It is my ode to Napoleon Dynamate. I didn’t go anywhere today, I’ve been struggling trying to get work done – and did get some done – and I even had a shower, but its been a blah kind of day. I guess its better I didn’t go anywhere since the outside world is currently coated in ice.
Whoo! Congrats. On both the conference and the quesadilla.
congrats on the conference from me too! ...also the insert about the canal was really random...did i miss something?? and finally I hope the lecture went well!
My clock is wrong... however, on Sunday when the time was changed I checked it to see if it had also changed and it had and now it's gone back... what's that about?
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