April 26, 2007

in Montreal

Why do I always do this to myself? I have this crazy masochistic need to move every few years, more commonly every year, it seems. Once I left the sound it was Langley, to Muskoka, to Toronto (for the longest stint, 3 years), to Ottawa and now I’ll be moving to Montreal in August. I say masochistic because meeting new people, getting new social networks is a very painful and awkward process for me. I’m not what you might call socially adept, unless you were being sarcastic or trying to be really nice for some odd reason.

So I’m here, in la belle province visiting my new department, feeling terrified about starting over again. But its not like I can stop. Sure, I’ll be in Montreal for 4 years, but then it will probably 2 years of a post doc somewhere else, perhaps another post doc yet another place, and then an actual job another place. Its craziness.

I know, I know, it would have been worse if I stayed in one place, I would have gone crazy, felt regret for the loss of opportunity, blah blah blah. Whatever. Just having a moment. I’m really tired. I was up early this morning and took the bus to the train station (the buses this morning were particularly moody for some reason, but what can you do). The train ride wasn’t bad, things were pretty easy to find once I got here. I’m just super tired. But I have my very own hotel room. The only time I ever had a room to myself like this was in Varanasi, but that’s hardly comparable b/c it was a hostel. In India.

I think I’m going to go to this Mexican restaurant down the street for supper, but really I kinda want to stay in and work on my Phonology building. Also the I like the U of O ling building better. Gah.

Right, ok, I’m going to take advantage of the cable TV while I have immediate access to it. Let me know if you (ie anyone) want to move to Montreal with me and be my friend. It’s a great city, I really do like it. I’m just a bit of a freak out.

1 comment:

Dinah said...

You're going to be great, Montreal's going to be great, and it's going to be a wonderful opportunity. But freak-outs are totally allowed.