January 14, 2007

My nasal cavity is experiencing perma-frost

Mmmm, I love pulp free orange juice not from concentrate. It’s so good and refreshing. I really hate pulp in my orange juice, that’s how you ruin the whole juice aspect of the experience. If I wanted pulp I’d eat an orange.

So I think I might add up all the pages of reading I’ve had to do for this week and give you the grand total, which I know will be a few hundred. I don’t know how I’m still going, my mind must be in its proliferic stage right now, I don’t know what I’m going to do when I still have a lot of reading to do but I just can’t concentrate. I’m mailing the last of my UBC application tomorrow, then I get to not think about it for a while.

Tomorrow I have like a 4 hour gap between classes, and on Wednesday its about 5 hours. I don’t know what I’m going to do all semester in this time. Of course I’ll say, “Its ok, I’ll just do work.” But seriously people, there’s no way that’s going to last all semester. I’ll have to find somewhere close to my building that’s not my office so I can switch it up for a while.

Hmmm… I’m tired. And I think I’ve done enough reading this weekend. Its not all done but I read 2 syntax, 1 phd phonology and 1 first year phonology (which I’m TAing) article already. I still have one more syntax and a semantics to get through but my brain will start throbbing any minute now.

I think I’ll go to bed.

1 comment:

Dinah said...

Make sure to come by my blog tomorrow (not today, although there is an ode for hashbrowns that I think you'll enjoy) because I have a special surprise for you.